Cat and dog lying together on grass outdoors

Microchipping your pet is not only the responsible thing to do, but it’s also a legal requirement for dogs and will soon be for cats as well.

If you’re on the fence about microchipping or have heard horror stories or conspiracy theories about it, we’re here to help put your mind at ease. The internet is an amazing resource, but it has a lot to answer for!

In our opinion, anything you can do to protect your furry family member is a good thing, and that includes microchipping.

With that in mind, we’re going to cover as many pet microchipping myths as possible in this blog.

Myth 1: Microchips can track your dog’s location

Not true. Microchips contain a serial number and that’s it. There is no GPS, no tracking mechanism and no nefarious motive here. A pet microchip is designed to reunite a pet parent with their pet and nothing more.

Can you track a microchipped cat or dog? No, you cannot. It’s simply not possible with a microchip. That’s what GPS collars are for.

Myth 2: The chip contains your name, address and phone number

Not true. A microchip contains a unique serial number and nothing more. That serial number links to a secure database where your personal data is stored.

That database is restricted and only the police, vets and councils have access to the information. The chip itself provides no identifiable data. That’s why when you change the microchip address, it’s done online and not on the chip.

Myth 3: Microchipping hurts my pet

Not true. It’s completely understandable that you want to protect your pets from harm, but there’s no need to worry here. Chipping doesn’t hurt.

The chip is placed at the back of the neck using a small needle. That’s the same place your cat or dog’s parent would pick them up by the scruff of the neck with their teeth.

Your pet won’t even feel it. At worst, it will be the same little pinch they feel when being inoculated.

Once inside, the chip sits by the muscle and your pet will never even know it’s there!

Myth 4: My pet has a collar, so doesn’t need a chip

Not true. What would happen if your pet lost its collar? It happens all the time when they are playing, exploring or trying to squeeze into tiny spaces. What’s more, there are unfortunately people out there who want to steal our beloved pets, and can easily remove their collar if desired!

Plus, it’s a legal requirement for all dogs to have a microchip. And it’ll also be a legal requirement for all cats to have a microchip from June 2024.

Myth 5: The microchip is useless once the battery runs out

Not true. The microchip doesn’t even use batteries. It’s an inert object with no moving parts, no power source and nothing to run down, break or go wrong.

It’s simply a chip with a code that can be read by a special scanner. That’s all there is to it. 

How long does a microchip last? It should easily last your pet’s lifetime.

Myth 6: I keep my pet indoors, so they don’t need a microchip

Not true. All dogs must have a microchip, and all cats must have a microchip by June 2024. No exceptions.

Plus, what would happen if your pet was startled and a door or window was open? What if they saw a bird or squirrel in the garden and fancied a game of chase?

It’s in our pets nature to seek out adventure, and we want them to be as safe as possible if they do so in any capacity.

Myth 7: Microchips can move around and cause the animal harm

Mostly not true. Microchips can move around, but only marginally. They don’t cause harm or pain though.

The chip is the size of a grain of rice and has no moving parts, no sharp edges and no power source. Even when it moves around, there’s nothing that could cause your little loved one any pain.

Myth 8: Microchipping is expensive

Not true. Microchipping costs money but shouldn’t be more than £30 to £40. There’s help for those on lower incomes, and animal charities can often help if cost is a barrier.

Often, the vet will microchip your pet while they are being neutered, which can lower the cost and means your cat or dog won’t even feel it.

The benefits of microchipping your pet

Now we have debunked common microchip myths, let’s focus on the benefits of microchipping.

The main benefit of microchipping is compliance with the law:

  • Do dogs have to be microchipped? Yes, it’s a legal requirement.
  • Do cats have to be microchipped? Yes, it will become a legal requirement in June 2024.

More importantly, it’s the right thing to do.

The second benefit is being reunited with your curious cat or canine if they get lost exploring.

This story of how an American man was reunited with his dog seven months after losing him thanks to the microchip is all we need to say on that subject!

It’s only one out of thousands of similar stories where someone was reunited with their furry friend thanks to microchipping.

Can you imagine if your dog or cat ran off? How devastated would you feel?

Now imagine getting that call telling you that they’d been found alive and well – and the chip helped locate you!

The third benefit of microchipping is being able to use microchip devices.

A microchip flap helps your pet come and go as they please while preventing midnight visitors. And it keeps the flap closed in bad weather too!

You can also use a microchip pet feeder that only opens for your particular pet. If you have multiple furry family members, a microchip feeder can help prevent meal raiding and ensure that everyone gets their full dinner.

If you’re on the fence about microchipping, we strongly urge you to have it done.

Not only is it the law, it’s also the primary way you would be reunited with your little friend should they get lost or have an adventure.

For that reason alone, we think microchipping is the way to go to keep you close to your pet!